Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) is the process of setting out protocols that should and must be followed by a business or a company to protect assets and information in case of a disaster. What is outlined in a DRP is a comprehensive document that dictates particular actions that are to be practiced, before, during and after a disaster.
Disasters mainly fall into three categories namely human-made, environmental and natural.Three strategies are put in place during DRP. 1. Preventive– This mostly means that you identify risks and mitigate them. Some of the standard components of preventive measures that you could put in place include; installing generators and routine inspections.
2. Detective– This means to discover the presence of likely risks. This is mainly applied to IT infrastructure and includes; server monitoring, fire alarms and installing anti-virus software.
3. Corrective– Basically corrective measures are meant to restore after a disaster. It includes practices such as taking up insurance policies and ensuring the safety of relevant documents. 1. Have reliable and dependable systems on standby
2. Minimizing risk
3. Gives you a sense of security.
4. Helps in defining roles and responsibilities which help to reduce conflicts.
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